I’m not a huge fan of Star Wars but I watched it anyway because the old ones were deemed classics and the new ones were, well, the talk of the world. And I do thoroughly enjoyed it even though I’m not really into the mythology (what the hey is a Death Star?) and the characters save for the three famous leading protagonists plus the main iconic baddie (who makes a cameo in this new film).Things moves fast in Rogue One. Each subsequent scene is located on a different planet and even though there are captions telling us the name and one-line detail of the place but I had forgotten it the next minute. But fortunately the fast-pace is just what the film needed, and despite not offering any meaningful insight into the backstory of each of the rogueish characters (save for Cassian) I still care and worry about their fate (which is not good). It’s either the personality or the performances that sells it. Donnie Yen, especially, completely owns one thrilling action scene with his Daredevil-ish fighting prowess. Admittedly, it’s a bit stereotypical to have an Asian character having martial-arts abilities but I’ll take what I can get…
Pembunuhan sadis, operasi penggerebekkan di tengah malam memburu villain yang dijuluki Shetani (atau “The Devil”), espionase berbahaya di negara asing — apakah ini petualangan James Bond terbaru?
AuthorSahiri Loing
December 2015
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